Uno scatto di blues
The “Uno Scatto di Blues” photography competition aims to promote cultural production and expression among the audience of the Blues in Town 2023 event, which will take place at the Municipal Villa in Policoro on Via Siris from August 2nd to August 6th, 2023. Through the collection of selected photographic material, the organization intends to reconstruct the story of the event thanks to the creativity and different perspectives of photography enthusiasts, amateurs, and professionals. The photographic material received can be exhibited in a photographic exhibition that will showcase the production and personal and subjective interpretation of a highly cultural expression such as photographic testimony in relation to a musical event.
As indicative topics, competitors can develop:
• The preparation of the musical event
• The performances of the artists
• The participation of the audience
• The promotion of the musical event
• Collateral activities (musical seminars, “leggi Mela,” Basilicata Blues Bikers, etc.)
• Locations
Participation rules:
Participation in the competition is free and open to everyone. Competitors must download and fill out the appropriate entry form directly from the website and indicate the category they are competing in. The works, already printed on support (CD, DVD, or USB drive) or in jpg format, can be sent to the contest’s secretariat (La Mela di Odessa, via M. D’oro Sinisi n. 43, 75025 Policoro, MT) or sent via email to the address:, between August 7th and September 30th of the current year.
Photographic prints:
Prints must have the longer side between 30 and 40 cm and be accompanied by a copy of the entry form. Competitors must also indicate: the progressive number of the photo, the author’s name, surname, and address, as well as a brief explanatory caption with the subject and the place where it was taken.
File format instructions:
Files sent via email or on support must be taken at the highest resolution given by the digital camera and saved in jpg format, with dimensions between 0.8 and 3.5 MB.
Image rights:
The works received will not be returned to the competitors and will become part of the iconographic heritage of the Cultural Association La Mela di Odessa, which can freely dispose of them for institutional, charitable, and cultural purposes without any profit motive, consistent with the Association’s purposes, and can be used for promotional and educational purposes, free from economic constraints, always reporting the author’s name and surname.
Competition procedure:
The competition will take place in three phases.
Phase I:
The first phase is dedicated to the collection of photographic material (from August 2nd to August 6th), while the other two are specified below:
Phase II (August 7th – September 30th):
Starting from August 7th, it will be possible to submit the photographic material produced to the organizing secretariat, which will collect and catalog the material. The submitted photos can be used as promotional material for the competition starting from their delivery.
Phase III (October 1st – December 31st):
The photographic productions received will be collected, organized, and judged by the jury. At the end of the selection, the competition results will be made public on the website
The jury will consist of experts in the field and/or representatives of institutions and/or representatives of the Cultural Association La Mela di Odessa. Its composition will be communicated through the website It will meet in the second phase for the evaluation of the produced works. The works reported and awarded may be the subject of a photographic exhibition.
Prizes and awards:
One competitor per category will be awarded. The authors of the reported images will receive a participation prize or will be mentioned in the context of promotional and communication activities carried out with the selected photographic material.
Participation in the competition automatically implies acceptance of these regulations and, in particular, the authorization of the authors to assign the works and their use by the Cultural Association La Mela di Odessa.
Download the registration form
Il Blues in Town è la poesia popolare, la manifestazione di un sentimento, la storia di un popolo che si trasforma nella storia di tutti i tempi, indossando le vesti di un linguaggio universale, quello delle emozioni in note. Così La Mela di Odessa vuole omaggiare questa musica raffinata, morbida e vellutata, nata dall’intimale rapporto fra uomo e vita!

Via Medaglia d'oro Sinisi, 43
Policoro, Matera, Basilicata